Privacy Policy

Our General Policy on Personal Information (Data) Protection

KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc. (hereinafter, "the Company"), recognizes its social responsibilities as a "knowledge technology company" providing "engineering knowledge" services to the manufacturing, construction and real estate, and telecommunication sectors through engineering consulting, system solutions and product services. The Company also recognizes the importance of personal information, makes an effort to handle personal information in a proper manner, and establishes the following "Personal Information Protection Policies" to promote activities on a daily basis for personal information Protection Management System (PMS) to be radicated.

  1. When the Company collects, uses and provides personal information related to its business, the Company will not use the information for purposes other than the original intent (use outside of its purpose) and takes measures to ensure this.
  2. The Company complies with the laws, guidelines established by the country and other regulations concerning personal information.
  3. The Company has established internal procedures for prevention or correction with respect to unauthorized access, loss, destruction, modification or leaking of personal information, and takes proper measures to ensure the protection of personal information.
  4. The Company has established internal procedures for handling complaints and inquiries, and deals with them appropriately.
  5. The Company complies with the personal information Protection Management System (PMS) and continually takes actions to improve it.

Established January 1st, 2001
Revised October 1st, 2002
Revised July 1st, 2007
Revised July 1st, 2021

Representative Director and President
Tatsuo Yuguchi

In November 2001, the Company was granted the Privacy Mark given for the companies handling and managing personal information properly by JIPDEC (Japan Information Processing Development Corporation). Moreover, at the renewal inspection conducted every 2 years, the Company was recognized for its appropriate management as per JIS standards (see note below) and, in November 2005, obtained a renewal for the 3rd time. (Note) Requirements for Compliance Program on Personal Information Protection (JIS Q 15001).
The company is going to meet the JIS Q 15002:2006 in the next renewal inspection.

Personal Information Inquiry:
4-38-13 Hon-cho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo,  164-0012, Japan
KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc. Administrative Department:

Personal Information Inquiry:

4-38-13 Hon-cho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 164-0012, Japan
KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc. Administrative Department:

If you are a EAA regidents, please refer to our GDPR Privacy Policy.

Handling of Personal Data

We collect, use and handle Personal Data as follows.

1. Collection of Personal Data

"Personal Data" as stated in our privacy policy refers to information concerning an individual that can identify the individual by name, date of birth, other description, number, symbol or other code, image, or voice attached to the individual (including information that cannot be identified by such information but can be easily collated with other information and thereby identify the individual). When we request the provision of Personal Data, the purpose of collection shall be clearly defined and collected after obtaining the consent of the you.

2. Provision and Use of Personal Data

Personal Data collected from you shall be used only to the extent agreed, and shall not be disclosed or provided to any third party without your consent. However, if necessary to protect the life, health, property, and other material benefits of you or the public, we may disclose information in response to a legal request from a court, police, consumer center, or any agency with equivalent authority.

3. Personal Data protection manager

Kayoko Kimura, Director-General of the Administration Department, Kozo Keikaku Engineering Inc.
Contact: 4-38-13 Hon-cho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 164-0012, Japan
(If you wish to contact the Personal Data Protection Administrator, please note that fact.)

Kayoko Kimura, Director-General of the Administration Department, Kozo Keikaku Engineering Inc.
Contact: 4-38-13 Hon-cho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 164-0012, Japan
(If you wish to contact the Personal Data Protection Administrator, please note that fact.)

4. Publication of Purpose of Use of Personal Data

Company shall handle the Personal Data it holds within the extent of the following purposes.

I. Retained Personal Data

(Personal Data we have the authority to disclose; to correct, add, or delete content from; to discontinue use of; to erase; or to discontinue provision of to a third party) 

Type Purpose of Use
Personal Data of our customers - Business communication
- Performance of the contract
- Provision of information and advertisements on products and services
- Offer and proposal for products/services
- Conduct research and analysis for product development or quality improvement regarding products/services
- Provision of information on events such as seminars and exhibitions
- Provision of information on our business
- Answer to your inquiries or requests
- Delivery of materials related to questionnaires or surveys
Personal Data of our business partners
(including indirect business partners)
- Business communication
- Performance of the contract
- Negotiations on transactions
- Answer to inquiries or requests
Personal Data of job applicants and retirees - Disseminating recruitment information and sending materials
- Notice of selection and dispatch of documents
- Notification of Job Recruiting Personnel
- Contact with retired employees
- Answers to inquiries or requests
Personal Data concerning principal and agent
(for claim procedures)
- Contact and Response to Disclose Requests
Personal Data about our shareholders - Provision of Company data
- Shareholder management based on prescribed standards based on various laws and regulations, such as the creation of shareholder data
- Answer to inquiries or requests



II. Other Personal Data 


Type Purpose of Use
Personal Data obtained through the entrusted services - Execution of agreements
- Execution of the entrusted business
- Provision of after-sales support
Information obtained from recruiting sites - Decision on whether or not to hire job applicants
- Communication for recruitment procedure

*Based on prior consent, we may treat the Personal Data differently from the above purpose of use.
*If permitted by the Personal Data Protection Law or other laws and regulations, we may treat the Personal Data differently from the purpose of use described above.
*We may provide the Personal Data to our contractors within the extent of the above-stated purpose of use.

5. Provision of Personal Data to Third Party

We may provide third party with Personal Data obtained in accordance with the following procedures to the extent required for business purposes and to comply with laws and regulations in order to provide you with better services.

(1) Provision to a third party 1. Where our contractor provides information or services by direct mail, electronic mail, or any other means on behalf of us
2. Where it is necessary for our subcontractor to provide individual services such as after-sales services on our behalf
3. Cases where each Personal Data is collected or analyzed for the purpose of providing statistical information, and the statistical data is disclosed by processing it into a form in which the identification of the individual is impossible.
4. When lawfully required to be disclosed by law or by a court or other governmental agency
5. When consent is obtained for a specific purpose
(2) Personal Data to be provided Name, address, e-mail address, company name, department name, title, telephone number, etc.
(3) Security measures at the time of provision When Personal Data is provided electronically, we use adequate security measures such as encryption and password protection.
(4) Handling of Personal Data by third party With regard to the handling of Personal Data, we will make it mandatory for the recipient to appropriately protect Personal Data under a non-disclosure agreement, and select a third party (trustee for the handling of Personal Data) that can appropriately handle Personal Data.
This provision shall not apply where lawfully required to be disclosed by law or by a court or other governmental agency.

6. Entrustment of Handling of Personal Data

For business operations, we may outsource part of its operations to provide better servicing to you.
In this case, we will select a contractor that is capable of handling Personal Data appropriately and will require the contractor to implement appropriate management of Personal Data by stipulating in contracts and other agreements the security measures and management procedure necessary to prevent the leakage of Personal Data and maintenance of confidentiality.

7. Disclosure, Correction, and Delete of Personal Data

We will endeavor to manage Personal Data accurately and in the most up-to-date condition within the scope necessary according to the purpose of use. If you wish to claim for disclosure, correction, or deletion of your Personal Data, we will respond as soon as possible as the request is confirmed to be made by you.

8. About the voluntary nature of the provision of Personal Data and the consequences of the failure to provide such information

The provision of your Personal Data is optional.
However, if you do not provide us with your Personal Data, we may not be able to provide you with our corresponding services.

9. Security measures

When you provide your Personal Data through our website, we will protect against unauthorized access by third party encrypting the Personal Data with SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) to ensure security. Your Personal Data shall be strictly managed in accordance with our control standards, and measures shall be taken to prevent loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage.

10. Cookies

To analyze user trends in order to provide better services, our website may send cookies to your computer through your web browser to manage communications. A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent to your web browser from the web server and stored on your hard disk to identify your computer. Cookies identify your browser by their own and any number. We may retrieve cookies stored on your computer and associate Personal Data with your collected event history. You can set your web browser to indicate in advance when you are about to visit a website that uses cookies or to refuse to accept cookies. However, rejecting cookies may prevent you from using certain functions of the website or may prevent some websites from being displayed correctly.

11. About Access Logs

Our website may record the access information as an access log, but it does not include personally identifiable information. Collected access logs may be used to analyze access trends, manage websites, detect user trends, and collect a wide range of statistical information for collective use.

12. Links

Our website contains links to several external websites, but does not share any Personal Data. We shall not be responsible for the collection of Personal Data on the website you visit. Please refer to the privacy policy on the website.

13. About Changing Privacy Policies

We may change our privacy policy in accordance with changes in laws and regulations or the scope of our business operations. In this case, we will post the latest privacy policy on this website.

14. Inquiries

If you have any questions or inquiries regarding this policy, please contact us here.

If you have any questions or inquiries regarding this policy, please contact us here.